Monday, December 17, 2012

Merry Christmas from
my family to yours!

I am so thankful for all the 
smiling faces about to 
enter my classroom!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

A Delicious End to A Yummy Week!

Gingerbread Alphabets 

Gingerbread Baking  ...mmmmm......

Ready for the "oven" (roaster).


Our Gingerbread Houses.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Gingerbread Learning Centers and More

 Gingerbread  Writing

Gingerbread Family Projects

Some of our favorite Gingerbread stories....

Friday, November 30, 2012

Stone Soup

Our Kindergarten Stone Soup Story
Oh, look at these poor, hungry pilgrims, (don't they look sad?)......
they have no food.

Let's make stone soup, I have some
noodles and broth.

Well, maybe we have a few green beans....

and a little bit of peas and corn....

doesn't look too bad!
Oh look, the other classes have some soup too! Potato and carrot soup from Mrs. O'Duggan's class and beef and onion soup from Mrs. Kalmes' class. 

Enough food for a feast!!
Here is the recipe..mmmm!

Put it all together and we have plenty to share!

Happy Pilgrims,

Happy turkeys, (beef soup),
and happy Wampanoags!
The End

Happy Thanksgiving!