Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The New and Improved Mrs. Pilger's Kindergarten

New carpet, new bulletin boards, new books, new toys, new electronics and a whole new year!!

We are still waiting for a few shipments of new materials (missing a few books, toys and chairs), but most items are here and ready for my new K Kids!!

The Flood

As you may know, my classroom was heavily water damaged from an intense rainstorm in June.  Looking at the pictures breaks my heart. So many things destroyed!  All of the shelves in these pictures were filled with roughly 200-250 centers that I had made to practice and review individual skills - they all had to be thrown.  I also lost many, many electronics, books, toys and various materials.  

The bright side - It was June - I had all summer to recover much of the loss and rebuild my classroom!

 Wet centers.

Some of my lovely centers ready to be hauled to the garbage :(