Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday, February 10, 2012

Pp is for Pasta Feast!

We celebrated Pp week with an amazing Pasta Feast!!  First we read the story Strega Nona by Tomie de Paola and looked for the clue to make the pasta pot stop cooking so it would not cover the whole town with pasta.  Ask your child what the secret clue was.  This afternoon  we watched the movie version of the same story and then the Pasta Feast!!   We  had  so many fun pasta shapes and colors!!  It was so hard to wait while it cooked, and we remembered the secrect to making the pot stop cooking so our school would not be covered in pasta!  We tried the pasta with 2 sauces; cheese and marinara, yummmm!  It must have been good, for the pot was empty when we were done!  Ask your child what sauce they liked the best.  We were going to make a graph of our favorite sauce , but we had an unexpected fire drill - non pasta related- that put us behind schedule, so we will graph on Monday.

Half of everyones donated pasta went into our Pasta Table so we can explore their many shapes and colors. 
Thank You!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Pp is for Popcorn!

During Pp Week we love our Popcorn!!  We read a popcorn story, sang a popcorn song - ask your kiddo about it, it is lots of fun - and of course we ate popcorn!!  We tried 2 kinds of popcorn, cheese and butter, then created a Venn Diagram to show our preferences.  Learning can be so tasty!

Learning Stations

I love Learning Stations!  What a great way for Kinder Kids to learn and to practice skills!  In mid January we start having Learning Stations once a week for about an hour to an hour and a half each Thursday afternooon.  I set up 4 station, some independent and some teacher led, and the kids rotate until we have completed each station.  I love how I can reach the students who need a little more guidance and give the independent learners a chance to go at their pace, too. It also gives us a great way to practice the skills we have been working earlier in the week.  Luckily I have Mrs. Gnadt during this time but, I  would LOVE volunteers if it ever works out in your schedule, even if you can only come 1 time!

Sorting Star Words

Star Word Race

Counting Snowflakes

Shadow Pictures - It was Ground Hog's Day

Measuring Hearts with cubes

Happy and Sad Teeth

Measuring Hearts

Measuring Hearts

Begining Sounds

Happy and Sad Teeth

Teeth Counting

Dental Health

We have 20 teeth!